Before You Judge: Examining Your Own Heart First

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Devotional by J.Pierce
Read Time:
6-8 minute read
"Heavenly Father, Yahweh, I come before You with a humble heart. Help me to see myself as You see me. Teach me to examine my own life before speaking into the lives of others. Fill me with Your wisdom so that I may correct in love rather than condemn in pride. May Your Spirit guide me to walk in humility, grace, and discernment. In Yeshua’s name, Amen."
We live in a world where it’s easy to judge others. A friend’s mistake, a family member’s shortcomings, or a stranger’s behavior can quickly become the subject of our criticism. But have we taken the time to look at our own hearts first? Yeshua’s words in Matthew 7:1-6 challenge us to pause, reflect, and correct ourselves before we attempt to correct others.
Scripture Exploration
Matthew 7:1-5 (NRSV)
"Do not judge, so that you may not be judged. For with the judgment you make you will be judged, and the measure you give will be the measure you get. Why do you see the speck in your neighbor’s eye but do not notice the log in your own eye? Or how can you say to your neighbor, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ while the log is in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your neighbor’s eye."
Matthew 7:6 (NRSV)
"Do not give what is holy to dogs, and do not throw your pearls before swine, or they will trample them underfoot and turn and maul you."
Deep Dive:
1. Judgment Without Reflection Leads to Hypocrisy
Yeshua is not saying we should never judge, but rather that we must first examine ourselves before making judgments.
The Greek word for "judge" here is krinō (κρίνω, Strong’s G2919), meaning "to separate, distinguish, or make a decision." It implies discernment, not condemnation.
2. The Speck and the Log: A Call to Self-Examination
A speck (Greek: karphos, G2595) is a tiny piece of dust, while a log (Greek: dokos, G1385) is a large beam used in construction.
Yeshua’s imagery is clear: we often see the small flaws in others but overlook our major faults.
Yahweh calls us to remove our own sin first before we attempt to help others.
3. Discernment in Sharing Truth
Matthew 7:6 teaches that we must also use wisdom in sharing truth.
Dogs and swine symbolized those who reject sacred things. Yeshua warns against forcefully sharing truth with those who will mock or despise it (see Proverbs 9:8).
This doesn’t mean we refuse to share the Gospel, but that we discern when and how to share it effectively.
Relatable Scenario:
Imagine you see a coworker struggling with laziness. You quickly point it out, frustrated by their lack of responsibility. But later, you realize you’ve been procrastinating on your own work. How easy it is to judge others while ignoring our own shortcomings! This is exactly what Yeshua warns against—correct yourself first, and then you will have the clarity to help others.
Core Message
Before we judge others, we must allow Yahweh to search our own hearts. Only after we correct our own failings can we wisely and lovingly help others with theirs.
Life Stories
King David’s Blind Judgment (2 Samuel 12:1-7)
After David sinned with Bathsheba, the prophet Nathan told him a parable about a rich man stealing a poor man’s lamb.
David was furious at the man—until Nathan said, "You are the man!"
David had condemned another while ignoring his own great sin. This is a sobering lesson in self-examination.
Yeshua and the Woman Caught in Adultery (John 8:1-11)
The Pharisees brought a woman caught in sin, demanding judgment.
Yeshua responded, "Let anyone among you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her."
One by one, they left—realizing their own sinfulness.
Common Experiences
We quickly judge others’ parenting while ignoring our own struggles at home.
We criticize a friend’s attitude but fail to see our own pride.
We hold grudges but expect Yahweh to forgive us instantly.
Everyday Challenges
Pride blinds us from seeing our own faults.
Judging harshly can push others away instead of leading them to truth.
Ignoring personal growth keeps us from becoming better reflections of Yeshua.
Solution: Pray for humility and ask Yahweh to reveal areas where you need growth before correcting others.
Modern Connections
Social media culture thrives on judgment—people quickly condemn without context.
Instead of criticizing, use online platforms to encourage and uplift.
Practice "the log and the speck" test before speaking about someone’s flaws.
Reflection & Application
Have I been more focused on others’ sins than my own?
Do I ask Yahweh to reveal my blind spots before addressing others' faults?
Am I using discernment in when and how I share truth?
Pray Psalm 139:23-24 daily—ask Yahweh to reveal areas where you need repentance.
Before criticizing someone, reflect: Have I addressed this issue in my own life?
Practice grace and patience—help others in love, not condemnation.
Closing Prayer
"Yahweh, thank You for Your wisdom and mercy. I confess that I often judge others without examining my own heart. Please remove any pride, hypocrisy, or blindness in me. Help me to see with Your eyes and correct with love. Teach me discernment so that I may share truth wisely. I surrender my heart to You, trusting that You will shape me into the image of Yeshua. Amen."
Further Study:
James 4:11-12 – Avoid speaking evil of others.
Luke 6:37-38 – The measure you use will be measured to you.
Romans 2:1-4 – Condemning others while excusing yourself.
Concluding Thoughts:
Judgment is easy, but humility is harder. Yeshua calls us to first examine our own hearts before helping others. When we remove the log from our own eye, we see others with more clarity, compassion, and wisdom. Let us seek Yahweh’s righteousness before we seek to correct others.
As we strive to walk closer to God we become more Chris like, wanting those things that is pleasing to Him and not saying things or participating in things that hinders our walk with Him. When He transform us we become anew, treating each other with kindness and respect showing discernment one to the other. Seeking Godly advice on handling different situations, "always showing Christian love in all we say and do." (all have sinned and fallen short). but even in today's society there are still God fearing, faith believers that trust in Him.......(self examination you owe to yourself)